We are called to be Disciples of Christ who center our lives in the Eucharist and seek the truth through Scripture and Tradition. Together we aspire to transform our lives into the virtues of faith, hope and charity.
Weekdays at 8am we live stream the Rosary & daily Mass
Saturdays at 4pm we live stream the anticipated Mass
*Daily Mass is Monday-Friday
*12:10pm Mass not offered at this time
Holy Day Anticipated
Holy Day
To Be Determined
4:00pm, 6:00pm
7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 12:00pm
3:30pm, 5:30pm
September 7 – September 13, 2024
Sat. 4:00pm, Special Intention for CJ DeBiase
Sat. 6:00pm, Mai Tuyet Phung
Sun. 7:00am, Maria Lien Vu †
Sun. 8:30am, Our Parish Family
Sun. 10:00am, Theu T. Vu
Sun. 12:00pm, Zoe Mance †
Mon. 8:00am, Antonio Zoleta on His Birthday
Tue. 8:00am, Nico Gonzalez
Wed. 8:00am, Theu T. Vu
Thu. 8:00am, Anna Tam Tran †
Fri. 8:00am, Maria Mat Vu †